Published Publications

Note: Publications “in press” are displayed as published in year 3999.

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Boehm, Udo; Annis, Jeff; Frank, Michael; Hawkins, Guy; Heathcote, Andrew; Kellen, David; Krypotos, Angelos-Miltiadis; Lerche, Veronika; Logan, Gordon D; Palmeri, Thomas; van Ravenzwaaij, Don; Servant, Mathieu; Singmann, Henrik; Starns, Jeffrey; Voss, Andreas; Wiecki, Thomas; Matzke, Dora; Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan

Estimating Across-Trial Variability Parameters of the Diffusion Decision Model: Expert Advice and Recommendations Journal Article

In: Journal of Mathematical Psychology, vol. 87, pp. 46-75, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Diffusion model, mathematical modeling, measurement models, Software


Mizrak, Eda; Singmann, Henrik; Öztekin, Ilke

Forgetting Emotional Material in Working Memory Journal Article

In: Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 331–340, 2018.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Diffusion model, emotion, measurement models, memory, neuro, working memory



Merkt, Julia; Singmann, Henrik; Bodenburg, Sebastian; Goossens-Merkt, Heinrich; Kappes, Andreas; Wendt, Mike; Gawrilow, Caterina

Flanker performance in female college students with ADHD: a diffusion model analysis Journal Article

In: ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 321–341, 2013, ISSN: 1866-6116, 1866-6647.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: ADHD, Diffusion model, Flanker task, mathematical modeling, measurement models