Presentations & Posters
Invited Talks
Singmann, H. (2018, October). Haben wir wirklich Wahrscheinlichkeiten im Kopf? Eine Evaluation von und Alternativen zur Bayes’schen Rationalität. Offizielle Abschlussveranstaltung des SPP1516 , Giessen, Germany.
Singmann, H. (2017, February). A hierarchical Bayesian implementation of purely Bayesian and Bayesian mixture models of conditional reasoning . Learning Conditionals, International Workshop at the CAS, LMU Munich. [pdf ]
Singmann, H., Klauer, K.C., & Beller, S. (2016, April). Beyond Bayesian Updating: A Descriptively Adequate Model of Conditional Reasoning . Modelling our world seminar series, University of Southampton, UK.
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Beller, S. (2014, March). Probabilistic Conditional Reasoning: The Dual-Source Model Provides Evidence for an Influence of Form . First International Tokyo Workshop on Intelligence and Cognition (TWIC), Tokyo, Japan.
Singmann, H. (2012, May). raw.means.plot – Eine mögliche Lösung für das Problem der Fehlerbalken? Und wie veröffentliche ich R Funktionen? R Thementag, Department of Psychological Methods, Universität Hamburg, May, 4th, Hamburg, Germany.
Other Presentations and Posters
Singmann, H., Heck, D. W., Barth, M., Groß, J., & Kuhlmann, B. G. (2019, July). New Results from the Bayesian and Frequentist MPT Multiverse . Paper presented at MathPsych 2019, Montreal, Canada.
Singmann, H., Heck, D. W., Barth, M., Groß, J., & Kuhlmann, B. G. (2019, April). A Bayesian and Frequentist Multiverse Pipeline for MPT models – Applications to Recognition Memory . Paper presented at Teap 2019, London, UK.
Baumann, C., Singmann, H., Kaxiras, V. E., Gershman, S., & Helversen, B. von. (2018, July). Explaining Human Decision Making in Optimal Stopping Tasks . Poster presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Kellen, D., Singmann, H., Chen, S., & Winiger, S. (2018, July). Assumption Violations in Forced-Choice Recognition Judgments: Implications from the Area Theorem . Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. [link to paper ]
Singmann, H., Kellen, D., Mizrak, E., & Öztekin, I. (2018, July). Using Ensembles of Cognitive Models to Answer Substantive Questions . Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. [link to paper ]
Winiger, S., Singmann, H., & Kellen, D. (2018, July). Measuring Belief Bias with Ternary Response Sets . Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. [link to paper ]
Singmann, H. & Kellen, D. (2018, July). Testing the Bayesian Brain: A Statistical Model for Sampling-Based Probability Estimates . Paper presented at MathPsych 2018, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Singmann, H., Heck, D. W., Kapetaniou, G. E., Groß, J., & Kuhlmann, B. G. (2018, July). A Bayesian and Frequentist Multiverse Pipeline for MPT models – Applications to Recognition Memory . Paper presented at MathPsych 2018, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Singmann, H., Douven, I., Hindriks, F., & Wenmackers, S. (2018, March). Moral bookkeeping: A cognitive model of moral judgments . Paper presented at TeaP 2018, Marburg, Germany.
Singmann, H., Hartmann, S., & Gronau, Q. (2017, July). Belief Revision by Learning Indicative Conditionals: Selecting Among Doubly Bayesian Models using Bayes Factors . Paper presented at Psychonomic Society’s 58th Annual Meeting, 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
Singmann, H., Hartmann, S., & Gronau, Q. (2017, July). Belief Revision by Learning Indicative Conditionals: Selecting Among Doubly Bayesian Models using Bayes Factors . Paper presented at MathPsych 2017, Warwick, UK.
Singmann, H., Kellen, D., & Batchelder, W, (2017, March). Quantum cognition quo vadis? A classic-probability account of mirrored order-effects in human judgments. Paper presented at TeaP 2017, Dresden, Germany.
Pessach, D., Singmann, H., & Oberauer, K. (2017, March). No Effect of Working Memory Load on Conditional Reasoning . Poster presented at TeaP 2017, Dresden, Germany.
Winiger, S., & Singmann, H. (2017, March). Measuring Belief Bias with Ternary Response Sets . Poster presented at TeaP 2017, Dresden, Germany.
Mızrak E, Singmann H, Öztekin I. (2017). Neural and behavioral patterns of proactive interference for Emotion and Neutral Information in Working Memory . Poster to be presented at the 57th annual meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, USA. [pdf ]
Singmann, H. (2017, February). A hierarchical Bayesian implementation of purely Bayesian and Bayesian mixture models of conditional reasoning . Learning Conditionals, International Workshop at the CAS, LMU Munich. [pdf ]
Singmann, H. (2016, November). A Hierarchical Bayesian Signal Detection Model for Confidence Ratings . Poster presented at Psychonomic Society’s 57th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA. [pdf ]
Mızrak E, Singmann H, Öztekin I. (2016, November). Forgetting emotional material in working memory. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA. [pdf ]
Singmann, H., Klauer, K.C., & Beller, S. (2016, August). Beyond updating: Disentangling form and content with the dual-source model of probabilistic conditional reasoning. Paper presented at the International Conference on Thinking, Brown University, Providence, RI.
Singmann, H., Douven, I., Elqayam, S., Over, D., & van Wijnbergen-Huitink, J. (2016, August): Conditionals and Inferential Connections: A Hypothetical Inferential Theory . Paper presented at the International Conference on Thinking, Brown University, Providence, RI.
Singmann, H. (2016, June). afex – Analysis of Factorial EXperiments in R . Paper presented at the Dynamic Memory Lab of the University of Davis, CA.
Singmann, H. (2016, May). afex – Analysis of Factorial EXperiments in R . Paper presented at the Lab meeting of “Psychologische Methoden und Statistik” of the University of Hamburg.
Singmann, H., Gretton, M., Brown, S. & Heathcote, A. (2016, March). rtdists: Distribution functions for accumulator models in R . Paper presented at TeaP 2016, Heidelberg, Germany. [R code ]
Singmann, H., Gretton, M., Brown, S. & Heathcote, A. (2015, November). rtdists: Distribution functions for accumulator models in R . Paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology (SCiP), Chicago, USA.
Mızrak, E., Singmann, H., Öztekin, I. (2015, November). A Bayesian Discrete-State Model for Working Memory . Poster presented at Psychonomic Society’s 56th Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA. [pdf ]
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Beller, S. (2015, November). Dissociating Different Suppression Effects Using the Dual-Source Model of Probabilistic Conditional Reasoning . Poster presented at Psychonomic Society’s 56th Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA. [pdf ]
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Over, D. (2015, August). Testing the Empirical Adequacy of Coherence as a Norm for Conditional Inferences . Paper presented at LRW 2015, London, UK.
Singmann, H., Gauvrit, N., Soler-Toscano, F., & Zenil, H. (2015, July). Approximation of Kolmogorov Complexity for Short Strings via Algorithmic Probability . Paper presented at MathPsych 2015, Newport Beach, CA, USA. [link to paper ]
Singmann, H. (2015, March). afex – Analysis of Factorial EXperiments . Paper presented at TeaP 2015, Hildesheim, Germany. [example R script ]
Singmann, H., Kellen, D., Klauer, K. C., & Falck, J. (2015, March). Investigating the Other-Race Effect using Multinomial Processing Tree Models . Paper presented at TeaP 2015, Hildesheim, Germany.
Gronau, Q. F., Singmann, H., Kellen, D., & Klauer, K. C. (2015, March). Generalization of Recognition Memory Models across YES/NO and Two-Alternative Forced-Choice Tasks Using Ternary Response Options . Paper presented at TeaP 2015, Hildesheim, Germany.
Ragni, R., Singmann, H., & Steinlein, E.-M. (2014, July). Theory Comparisons for Generalized Quantifiers . Paper presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Quebec City, Canada. [link to paper ]
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Beller, S. (2014, July). Validating the Parameters of the Dual-Source Model of Probabilistic Conditional Reasoning . Paper presented at MathPsych 2014, Québec City, Canada.
Gronau, Q. F., Rosenbruch, A., Bacher, P., Singmann, H., & Kellen, D. (2014, July). Validating Recognition Memory Models for a Task with Ternary Response Options . Poster presented at MathPsych 2014, Québec City, Canada.
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Beller, S. (2014, April). Comparing Models of Probabilistic Conditional Reasoning: Evidence for an Influence of Form . Paper presented at TeaP 2014, Gießen, Germany.
Ragni, R., Singmann, H., Kellen, D., Khemlani, S., Steinlein, E.-M., & Klauer, K. C. (2014, April). A Meta Analysis of Syllogistic Reasoning using Multinomial Processing Tree Models . Paper presented at TeaP 2014, Gießen, Germany.
Gronau, Q. F., Rosenbruch, A., Bacher, P., Singmann, H., & Kellen, D. (2014, April). Validating a Two-High-Threshold Measurement Model for Recognition Memory and Ternary Response Scales . Poster presented at TeaP 2014, Gießen, Germany.
Linzer, J., Kellen, D., Singmann, H., & Klauer, K. C. (2014, April). The Impact of Criterion Noise in Signal Detection Theory: An Evaluation across Recognition Memory Tasks . Poster presented at TeaP 2014, Gießen, Germany.
Singmann, H. (2014, March). Modeling Continuous Data . Presentation at the First International Tokyo Workshop on Intelligence and Cognition (TWIC), Tokyo, Japan. [example data and R script ]
Singmann, H. (2014, March). Overcoming Problems with Error Bars Through Modern Graphical Methods . Presentation at the First International Tokyo Workshop on Intelligence and Cognition (TWIC), Tokyo, Japan. [custom vioplot R function ]
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Over, D. (2014, March). Assessing the Empirical Adequacy of New Normative Standards of Conditional Reasoning . Paper presented at the ANR CHORUS Shirahama meeting, Shirahama, Japan.
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Beller, S. (2014, March). New Results on the Dual-Source Model of Probabilistic Conditional Reasoning . Paper presented at the Third Conference of the Priority Program on “New Frameworks of Rationality” (SPP 1516) , Schloss Etelsen, Germany.
Singmann, H. (2013, October). Modeling Continuous Data. Tutorial presented at the Workshop “Operationalizing 2013 “, October, 15-16th, Freiburg, Germany.
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Beller, S. (2013, August). Comparing Models of Probabilistic Conditional Reasoning: Evidence for an Influence of Form . Paper presented at MathPsych 2013, Potsdam, Germany.
Linzer, J., Kellen, D., Singmann, H., & Klauer, K. C. (2013, August). Modeling Overdistribution in Source Memory: Memory versus Guessing-Based Accounts . Poster presented at MathPsych 2013, Potsdam, Germany.
Singmann, H., Kellen, D., & Klauer, K. C. (2013, August). Investigating the Other-Race Effect of Germans towards Turks and Arabs using Multinomial Processing Tree Models . Paper presented at the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Berlin, Germany. [link to paper ]
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Beller, S. (2013, July). Comparing Models of Probabilistic Conditional Reasoning: Evidence for an Influence of Form . Paper presented at the 7th London Reasoning Workshop, London, UK. [pdf ]
Schulz, A., Chen, F., Singmann, H., von Dawans, B., & Heinrichs, M. (2013, May). Social Anxiety and Cortisol Reactivity are Related but do not Interact to Reduce Stress . Poster presented at the 25th APS Annual Convention, Washington, DC, USA, May 2013.
Singmann, H. (2013, May). afex: An R Package for the Analysis of Factorial EXperimentris . Presentation given at BaselR .
Singmann, H. & Klauer, K. C. (2013, March). Does logic feel good? Probably not! Refuting claims of a fluency mediated intuitive logic . Paper presented at the annual Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Wien, Austria.
Kellen, D., Klauer, K. C., & Singmann, H. (2013, March). Measuring criterion noise in signal detection theory: The case of recognition memory . Paper presented at the annual Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Wien, Austria.
Singmann, H., Beller, S., and Klauer, K. C. (2013, March). Conditional Reasoning: The Dual Source Model of Conditional Reasoning versus Minimizing the Kullback-Leibler Divergence . Paper presented at the Second Conference of the Priority Program on “New Frameworks of Rationality” (SPP 1516)” , Schloss Etelsen, Germany
Kellen, D. & Singmann, H. (2013, February). MPTinR: Multinomial Processing Tree Models in R. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Psychometric Computing , Zürich, Switzerland.
Singmann, H. (2013, February). afex: An R Package for the Analysis of Factorial EXperiments . Paper presented at the International Workshop on Psychometric Computing , Zürich, Switzerland.
Singmann, H. (2012, September). Collecting Data with Free Software . Tutorial presented at the Workshop “Operationalizing Epistemic Concepts”, September, 10-13th, Aachen, Germany. [slides as pptx , slides as pdf , example zip , website PsyTML ]
Singmann, H. (2012, September). Analyzing Data with Free Software . Tutorial presented at the Workshop “Operationalizing Epistemic Concepts”, September, 10-13th, Aachen, Germany. [slides as pptx , slides as pdf , example zip , example tar.gz ]
Singmann, H., Beller, S., and Klauer, K. C. (2012, August). Disentangling suppression effects with the dual-source model of probabilistic conditional reasoning . Paper presented at the Workshop “Rationality frameworks for conditionals “, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, August, 17th, Germany. [handout ]
Merkt, J., Singmann, H., & Gawrilow, C. (2012, May). Relating obsessive-compulsive behavior to information uptake in female college students with ADHD . Poster presented at the Eunethydis 2nd International ADHD Conference, May, 23-25th, Barcelona, Spain.
Schulz, A., Chen, F., Singmann, H., von Dawans, B., & Heinrichs, M. (2012, April). Social Anxiety and Cortisol Reactivity are Related but do not Interact to Reduce Stress . Poster presented at the 10th Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Graz, Austria.
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Beller, S. (2012, April). Suppression Effects in the Dual Source Model of Conditional Reasoning . Paper presented at the annual Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Mannheim, Germany.
Singmann, H., Klauer, K. C., & Beller, S. (2012, March). Suppression Effects in the Dual Source Model of Conditional Reasoning . Paper presented at the Kickoff-Meeting of the Priority Program on “New Frameworks on Rationality” (SPP 1516), Tutzingen, Germany.
Singmann, H., Kellen, D., Hölzenbein, F., & Klauer, K. C. (2011, July). MPTinR: An (almost) complete R package for analyzing MPTs . Poster presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Boston, Massachusetts.
Kellen, D., Klauer, K. C., & Singmann, H. (2011, July). Beyond ROCs: Fitting and extending recognition memory models with multiple-alternative, multiple-response tasks. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Boston, Massachusetts.
Singmann, H. & Klauer, K.C. (2011, March). Induktives und Deduktives Schlussfolgern mit Konditionalen [Inductive and Deductive Reasoning with Conditionals] . Paper presented at the annual Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Halle (Saale), Germany.
Singmann, H. (2010, July). Nonconditional Feedback Selectively Eliminates Conflict Adaption . Poster presented at the 1st ESCOP Summer School in Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Cognition, Mallnitz, Österreich, July 2010.
Singmann, H., Kappes, A., & Oettingen, G. (2010, January). Mental Contrasting Effects on Behavior Mediated by Reality-Means Associations . Poster presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV, January 2010
Singmann, H., Kappes, A., & Oettingen, G. (2009, May). Mental-Contrasting Effects on Health Behavior . Poster presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation (SSM), San Francisco, CA.
Singmann, H., Kappes, A., & Oettingen, G. (2009, May). Self-Regulation of Goal Setting: Mental Contrasting produces Associations Critical for Goal-Striving . Poster presented at the annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
Albert, J., Singmann, H., Merkt, J., Schweikert, L., Kappes, A., Köhler, D., Gawrilow, C., & Wendt, M. (2009, May). Social Presence Enhances Selective Spatial Attention Without Reducing Adaptation to Distractor Utility . Poster presented at the annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
Gawrilow, C., Merkt, J., Albert, J., Singmann, H., Kappes, A., & Wendt, M. (2009, May). Reduced Interference of Distractor Stimuli in Female Undergraduates With ADHD . Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, USA.
Wucherpfennig, A. Z-R., Singmann, H., Sevincer, A. T., Karasawa, M., & Kitayama, S. (2009, May). Attribution Bias in South Korea, Japan, Germany, USA: Intercultural and Intracultural Differences . Poster presented at the annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
Sevincer, A. T., Kitayama, S., Park, H., & Singmann, H. (2009, May). Voluntary Settlers Have a More Independent Goal Orientation Than Natives . Poster presented at the 21st Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
Singmann, H., Merkt, J., Albert, J., Schweikert, L., Kappes, A., Köhler, D., Gawrilow, C., Wendt, M. (2009, April). Soziale Erleichterung in der Flankierungsaufgabe. [Social Facilitation in the Flanker Task.] Poster presented at the annual Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Jena, Germany.
Singmann, H., Sevincer, A. T., Park, H., Kitayama, H. (2009, February). Voluntary Settlement Within Cultures: Independence and Interdependence in German Settlers vs. Native Residents . Poster presented at the annual SPSP conference in Tampa, Florida, USA.
Wucherpfennig, A. Z-R., Singmann, H., Sevincer, A.T., & Wegscheider, K. (2009, February). Attribution bias in cultural comparison: Dispositional versus situational attribution in South Korea and Germany . Poster presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL.
Kappes, A., Singmann, H., & Oettingen, G. (2008, May). Processes of Mental Contrasting: Linking Future with Reality . Poster presented at the APS 20th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, USA.
Kappes, A., Singmann, H., & Oettingen, G. (2008, May). Mental Contrasting Effects on Goal Commitment Mediated by Perceptual Change of Reality . Poster presented at the Inaugural Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation in Chicago, IL, USA.