R packages on CRAN needs to pass a series of technical checks. These checks can also be invoked by any user when running R CMD check on the package tar.gz (to emulate CRAN as much as possible one should also set the –as-cran option when doing so). These checks need to be passed before a […]
I am happy to announce that a new version of afex (version 0.22-1) has appeared on CRAN. This version comes with two major changes, for more see the NEWS file. To get the new version including all packages used in the examples run: install.packages(“afex”, dependencies = TRUE) First, afex does not load or attach package […]
Prelude: When you start with R and try to estimate a standard ANOVA , which is relatively simple in commercial software like SPSS, R kind of sucks. Especially for unbalanced designs or designs with repeated-measures replicating the results from such software in base R may require considerable effort. For a newcomer (and even an old […]
It took us quite a while but we have finally released a new version of rtdists to CRAN which provides a few significant improvements. As a reminder, rtdists [p]rovides response time distributions (density/PDF, distribution function/CDF, quantile function, and random generation): (a) Ratcliff diffusion model based on C code by Andreas and Jochen Voss and (b) […]
I have just submitted a new version of rtdists to CRAN (v. 0.4-9). As I haven’t mentioned rtdists on here yet, let me simply copy it’s description as a short introduction, a longer introduction follows below: Provides response time distributions (density/PDF, distribution function/CDF, quantile function, and random generation): (a) Ratcliff diffusion model based on C […]
This post has been updated: 30. March 2019: changed library path to 3.7 28. August 2018: added more required software 1. March 2018: Removed `bash ./tools/rsync-recommended` and `bash ./tools/link-recommended`. They should not be needed anymore. 15. November 2017: Removed installing of recommended packages from build script. Those packages are now simply installed in the local […]