Peer Reviewed Publications

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Citation information can be found at my Google Scholar profile.

Submitted manuscripts (i.e., under review or in revision)

Deans-Browne, C. & Singman, H. (submitted)  The Everyday Belief Bias: Belief in the Claim of a Political Argument Predicts the Perceived Quality of the Argument.

Rey-Mermet, A.,  Singmann, H., & Oberauer, K. (in revision). Neither measurement error nor speed-accuracy trade-offs explain the difficulty of establishing attentional control as a psychometric construct: Evidence from a latent-variable analysis using diffusion modeling.


Note: Publications “in press” are displayed as published in the upcoming year.

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16. Deans-Browne, Calvin; Băitanu, Alexandra; Dubinska, Yuliya; Singmann, Henrik: Inconsistent Arguments Are Perceived as Better Than Appeals to Authority: An Extension of the Everyday Belief Bias. In: Samuelson, Larissa K; Frank, Stefan; Toneva, Mariya; Mackey, Allyson P.; Hazeltine, Eliot (Ed.): Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2024. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Belief bias, real-world reasoning, Reasoning)


15. Meyer-Grant, Constantin G.; Cruz, Nicole; Singmann, Henrik; Winiger, Samuel; Goswani, Spriha; Hayes, Brett K.; Klauer, Karl Christoph: Are Logical Intuitions Only Make-Believe? Reexamining the Logic-Liking Effect. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, vol. 49, iss. 8, pp. 1280-1305, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Conditional reasoning, Intuition, Reasoning, syllogistic reasoning)


14. Kominsky, Jonathan; Gerstenberg, Tobias; Pelz, Madeline; Sheskin, Mark; Singmann, Henrik; Schulz, Laura; Keil, Frank C.: The trajectory of counterfactual simulation in development. In: Developmental Psychology, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 253-268, 2021. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: causality, measurement models, MPT models, Reasoning)
13. Stewart, Andrew J.; Singmann, Henrik; Haigh, Matthew; Wood, Jeffrey S.; Douven, Igor: Tracking the eye of the beholder: is explanation subjective?. In: Journal of Cognitive Psychology, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 199-206, 2021. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: explanations, mixed models, Reasoning)


12. Douven, Igor; Elqayam, Shira; Singmann, Henrik; van Wijnbergen-Huitink, Janneke: Conditionals and Inferential Connections: Toward a New Semantics. In: Thinking & Reasoning, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 311-351, 2020. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Conditional reasoning, Reasoning)


11. Trippas, Dries; Kellen, David; Singmann, Henrik; Pennycook, Gordon; Koehler, Derek J.; Fugelsang, Jonathan A.; Dubé, Chad: Characterizing Belief Bias in Syllogistic Reasoning: A Hierarchical-Bayesian Meta-Analysis of ROC Data. In: Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 2141–2174, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: hierarchical-Bayesian modeling, mathematical modeling, measurement models, Meta Analysis, Reasoning, Signal detection, syllogistic reasoning)
10. Winiger, Samuel; Singmann, Henrik; Kellen, David: Measuring Belief Bias with Ternary Response Sets. In: Rogers, Tim; Rau, Marina; Zhu, Jerry; Kalish, Chuck (Ed.): Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1171–1176, Austin TX: Cognitive Science Society, 2018. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Belief bias, measurement models, MPT models, Reasoning, syllogistic reasoning)
9. Markovits, Henry; Brisson, Janie; de Chantal, Pier-Luc; Singmann, Henrik: Multiple Layers of Information Processing in Deductive Reasoning: Combining Dual Strategy and Dual-Source Approaches to Reasoning. In: Journal of Cognitive Psychology, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 394-405, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Conditional reasoning, Probabilistic reasoning, Reasoning)
8. Douven, Igor; Elqayam, Shira; Singmann, Henrik; van Wijnbergen-Huitink, Janneke: Conditionals and Inferential Connections: A Hypothetical Inferential Theory. In: Cognitive Psychology, vol. 101, pp. 50-81, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Conditional reasoning, Reasoning)


7. Skovgaard-Olsen, Niels; Singmann, Henrik; Klauer, Karl Christoph: The Relevance Effect and Conditionals. In: Cognition, vol. 150, pp. 26-36, 2016. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Conditional reasoning, mixed models, new paradigm psychology of reasoning, Probabilistic reasoning, Reasoning)


6. Ragni, Marco; Singmann, Henrik; Steinlein, Eva-Maria: Theory Comparison for Generalized Quantifiers. In: Bello, Paul; Guarini, Marcello; McShane, Marjorie; Scassellati, Brian (Ed.): Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1330–1335, Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society, 2014. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: logical thinking, mathematical modeling, measurement models, MPT models, Reasoning, syllogistic reasoning)
5. Singmann, Henrik; Kellen, David: Concerns with the SDT approach to causal conditional reasoning: a comment on Trippas, Handley, Verde, Roser, McNair, and Evans (2014). In: Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 5, pp. 402, 2014. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Belief bias, Conditional reasoning, mathematical modeling, measurement models, model identifiability, Reasoning, Signal detection, syllogistic reasoning)
4. Singmann, Henrik; Klauer, Karl Christoph; Kellen, David: Intuitive Logic Revisited: New Data and a Bayesian Mixed Model Meta-Analysis. In: PLoS ONE, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. e94223, 2014. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Dual Process Models, Fluency, Intuition, Meta Analysis, Reasoning, replication, syllogistic reasoning)
3. Singmann, Henrik; Klauer, Karl Christoph; Over, David E.: New normative standards of conditional reasoning and the dual-source model. In: Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 5, pp. 316, 2014, (winner of best student paper award of DFG priority programm "New frameworks of rationality"). (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: coherence, Conditional reasoning, dual-source model, mathematical modeling, measurement models, mixed models, new paradigm psychology of reasoning, p-validity, Probabilistic reasoning, rationality, Reasoning)


2. Klauer, Karl Christoph; Singmann, Henrik: Does logic feel good? Testing for intuitive detection of logicality in syllogistic reasoning. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 1265–1273, 2013, ISSN: 0278-7393. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Dual Process Models, Fluency, Intuition, Reasoning, replication, syllogistic reasoning)


1. Singmann, Henrik; Klauer, Karl Christoph: Deductive and inductive conditional inferences: Two modes of reasoning. In: Thinking & Reasoning, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 247–281, 2011, ISSN: 1354-6783. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Conditional reasoning, Deductive reasoning, Dual Process Models, new paradigm psychology of reasoning, Probabilistic reasoning, Reasoning, state-trace analysis)

Dormant manuscripts (manuscripts which might be picked up again at a later point in time)

Foster, K. & Singmann, H. (in revision). Another Approximation of the First-Passage Time Densities for the Ratcliff Diffusion Decision Model.

Winiger, S., Singmann, H., & Kellen, D. (in revision). Violations of Conditional Independence in Mixed-State Models of Visual Working Memory.


Other up-to-date lists of my publications can be found at my Google Scholar profile (which contains citation information), my ReseachGate profile, or my ORCID profile (can be a little outdated).